Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My First Christmas

I turned 10 weeks old on Christmas Day - my very first Christmas. The highlights: it snowed on Christmas Eve; I went to a cookie party at Yier and Elyse's house; we had an Italian Feast dinner with the Governskis; I wore a super cute outfit with a toy soldier on it; and I grew to love my reindeer hat! Here are some pictures of me celebrating Christmas these last few days!
First Snow

Mitten Outfit
Sticking my tongue out...

"First Christmas" Pajamas from Nana

Playing with Dad on Christmas Day...
...and playing with Mom

Christmas Eve - Toy Soldier Outfit

Rockin' the Reindeer Hat

Saturday, December 22, 2012

I Hate Hats!!

Ok, I really don't. But I couldn't tolerate Mom putting this reindeer hat on me and taking pictures when we were supposed to be eating... Ugh. Thanks, Rita, for the hat; and thanks, Nana, for the "My First Christmas" pajamas!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Talking with Dad

When Dad gets home from work, I'm typically playing in my bouncy chair. We have a few minutes of "guy time" before I eat again and go to sleep for the night. Here we are telling each other about our days. For some reason on Wednesday night, Dad's day was funny to me. I smiled and cooed the whole time...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Two Month Check-Up

I had my two month check-up today. I now weigh 11lbs, 8 oz and am 22 inches long. I'm in the 75th percentile for weight and the 40th percentile for length. Dr. Edmonds says I'm developing great and I don't have to go back until I'm 4 months old. I got four shots today (ouch!), but I took them like a champ. The doctor told Mom to expect me to be crabby all day because of the immunizations. Here I am resting up for that...gonna need a lot of energy.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Two Months Old!!

I am two months old today. It's hard to believe, but it's true! Here I am in my two-month stickers. I have two sets now; one is an LSU-themed set (thanks Sarah Glenn!) and the other is plaid and preppy from my buddy Kirby's mom, Kelley.

Just Monkey-ing Around

Here I am in some of my favorite pajamas - sock monkey pajamas! I was all smiles on the changing table and Mom tried to catch it on film. No such luck... sort of :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Still Loving my Bouncy Seat!

This chair is a winner! So glad Mom and Dad found it for me. It vibrates, bounces and comes with toys - what more could an 8 week-old ask for?! Here I am on two different days - one day I'm wearing a lion shirt and the next day I'm wearing a tiger one. And, P.S., I wear khaki pants these days... too cool.

Dad's Hat

Mom carries me around in a moby wrap. Dad uses the Baby Bjorn. I nap in either carrier. Here's dad in the kitchen with me. He put his hat on my head to keep the lights out of my eyes and to prolong my nap just a liiiiitle bit longer. Didn't work - ha! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Weekend of Parties

This weekend I was a very social baby. I went to my buddy Ben's first birthday party and then I went with Mom and Dad to a Holiday party thrown by our neighbors, the Schuermans. Here I am with Aunt Sara at Ben's party. We didn't take pictures on our way out the door to the Schuermans' - which Mom is bummed about. I looked super cute in a navy blue velour jumper with a snowman on it and mitten-shaped pockets.


One of Dad's favorite bands is Radiohead. A co-worker of mom's knows this and so she bought me a "Kid A" onesie. (Kid A is one of the band's albums.) Kid A just happens to be one way to describe me too! Here I am rocking my Radiohead onesie...slightly distracted by the ceiling fan overhead.

O Christmas Tree...

Here I am in front of our Christmas tree playing in my new bouncy seat. Now that I'm a bit older, I like to be awake for more time than I used to be. I needed something to do during that time and this chair seems to be just what I like. I also like staring at the Christmas lights... good thing I wasn't born in July!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Old Glory

This weekend Mom and Dad took me to Old Glory in Georgetown for lunch. It's where they met more than 10 years ago. I was less than impressed and slept the whole time... What a snooze-fest that place is.

My First Christmas Tree Ornament!

Dad bought this for me online. We got to hang it up last weekend when we put up the tree -  an SEC-championship game weekend tradition in the Alagno house.  
We're looking forward to a great Christmas! Hope you are too!

Yankee Fan

Everyone knows I'm a Tiger fan by birth, thanks to Mom. Dad also gets in on the sports team allegiance game. This Yankee onesie he bought me was supposed to be my Halloween costume. It fits now and so we're trying to get all the mileage out of it that we can! No one asked me, but I'd have picked Derek Jeter as my favorite Yankee anyway! :)