Sunday, February 24, 2013

An Oldie But a Goodie

This video is about a month old. It's me sitting in my bouncy chair cooing at Zebra. Mom and Dad think it's very sweet!

Lazy Sunday Morning

Here I am just hanging out on a Sunday morning. Mom's watching Meet the Press and drinking coffee. Dad's at work. And I'm just relaxing in my puppy dog corduroys - and I'm pretty happy about it. On the agenda for later: a visit to the Platts' house for lunch, a walk in my stroller, some tummy time and perhaps some quality time with my girlfriend, Zebra. I love Sundays.

I love my Dad...

... this photo proves it. No explanation needed. :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Four Month Check-Up

This week I had my four-month checkup. I weigh 15 pounds and 7 ounces. I am 24 inches long. And I got four shots. I took them like a champ - again.. The doctor says I have to do more tummy time... uh oh. Here's a picture of me tuckered out in the car going home. Isn't my hat cool? Thanks Aunt Diane!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


"Old MacDonald had a farm..." What do you think: Are overalls a good look for me?

More Tummy Time

Keyla took this picture of me doing "tummy time" this week. I still don't love it, but I'm getting better at it and I'm starting to hate it less. I have a doctor's appointment coming up and Mom and Dad just know the doctor's going to fuss at them about not doing this enough. Oh well...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Four Months!

I am now four months old... wow! This month I started sleeping in my crib (YAY!), laughing out loud (awesome) and teething (not at all awesome). I'm working on rolling over and sitting up (with help) - and I'm getting close in both departments. Here are a few shots from my four month "photo shoot" with Mom and Dad. Check out my long eye lashes and chunky legs :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Smiley in the Morning

I may be becoming a morning person. I am always smiley and happiest between about 6 am and 10 am. Mom and Dad think it's me making up for my poor sleeping behavior over night. Perhaps... In any event, here are some shots of Mom and me having fun before work this week.

Neighborhood Watch

My bouncy chair is still a hit. And I still love to look out the window. Here I am combining two of my favorite past times... while keeping an eye on things in the hood. Check me out. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mom's Back to Work

This week, Mom went back to work. Here we are saying goodbye on her first morning in the office. All in all, it was harder on her than on me - I had a great time with Keyla and Miguel, and Mom was sooo happy to see me when she got home.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Growing Baby and a Shirt with a Collar

Two things struck Mom about the picture below. First, I'm wearing a shirt with a collar, which makes me look like a little boy instead of a baby. Second, I look huge! Just 10 weeks ago, I fit nicely inside the boppy pillow. Now I stretch out far beyond it. I guess that's why Mom said, "Slow down, time!"