Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Visit from Granddaddy, Lola and Uncle AJ

Granddaddy, Lola and Uncle AJ came all the way from Korea to visit me this weekend and to go see cousin Mikey next weekend. We boiled crawfish, ate King Cake, made gumbo and played for three days straight. If you can believe it, it even snowed - crazy for late March! Good thing all anybody wanted to do was stay inside and snuggle! And eat...

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Spring is almost here. That will mean more time outside, more time on the front porch, and soon, more time in our backyard. Here's Dad and me on the porch last weekend - in very spring-like attire. Real men wear pink AND purple!

Fun with Mom

A favorite new game of mine is to get raspberries on my tummy. Thankfully, Mom obliges... a lot. Here we are having fun last weekend.

Funny Guy

Mom bought this bib for me before I was born. Funny, right?

More Fun with Miguel

This is how Miguel and I spend our days.... Just hanging around!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thanks for my green outfit, Auntie Jill! It's supposed to keep me from getting pinched, but I'm a baby - I get pinched (nicely) a lot!

A Visit from Cousin Emily!

This weekend Mom's cousin Emily came to visit. She had a job interview nearby and we really want her to move here. That way, I can see her all the time - and maybe she'll babysit from time to time. Wouldn't that be nice?

Five Months!!

I'm five months old now! Here's this month's "photo shoot" - notice that the pacifier is in every shot? I typically have one around. More often than not, it's in my hand rather than in my mouth. Hey - whatever works, right?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I No Longer Hate the Car Seat

My car seat and I have never gotten along. It made trips anywhere a pain for everybody. The long drive to Connecticut was especially fun. These days it appears I'm growing out of my car seat-hating. And Mom and Dad love that. Here I am tuckered out after a lunch outing last weekend. I ended up napping here for more than an hour.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Matching Hats

Spring is here! That means warm weather, lots of walks and baseball caps. Here I am with Dad on a warm Saturday afternoon. Can't wait for my first baseball season!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'll Help

Mom and Dad say they learn more about my personality every day. For instance, they now know that patience isn't really my thing. They know I'm super smiley when I want to be. And lately they're finding out that I have an independent streak - as in, I want to do everything myself, on my terms. Here I am showing Dad how to file my nails. I have to show him how to hold the bottle too. And when they give me my pacifier I have to take it out of my mouth and put it back in my way. Somebody really gave these people an infant?

My Buddy Miguel

Miguel and I are best buds. Here we are headed out for a walk. He loaned me his hat and from time to time, I'll loan him my pacifier. We're tight like that.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Johnny Jump-Up Has Evolved

Grammie says that when Mom was a baby, she spent a lot of time in a "Johnny Jump-Up." Here is 2013's version. I seem to like it pretty well, but I'm still getting the hang of it. Here I am trying it out for the first time with Dad.

Rice Cereal!!

At my four-month check-up the doctor told Mom and Dad that I could start eating rice cereal twice per day. Here I am giving it a try for the first time. Not too bad...

Where's Daddy's Nose?

These pics need no explanation. A little after-bath fun with Dad!

Snow Day

Today there was a snow storm in DC. Here I am watching the flakes come down. It ended up being pretty much a non-event ... but, as I'm learning, it was a big deal for Washington.  Mom's office was closed and Dad's closed early. I see lots of snow days in my academic future! :)


Maybe I'm tired of winter. Maybe I'll be a landscape architect one day. Maybe I'm just a weird kid. Who knows... But lately, my favorite thing to do is to stare at the faux boxwood wreath on our front door. I like the color and the texture, and the fact that playing with it means I get to look outside too. Mom and Dad think it's hysterical that when I'm at my angriest, my friend Boxwood can calm me down. Here we are... so happy together.