Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lounging Around

Mom and Dad think it's funny when I recline like this. Don't I look like a couch potato? Leaned back, legs sprawled out, gazing at the TV… It's a good thing I'm cute!!

Water Babies

Mom and Dad got me this little pool for the backyard. Isn't it fun? Today it was 90° in Washington --and this was a great way to cool off! Miguel loves it too. I can see us spending lots of time here this summer. What do you think?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Work Hard, Play Hard

I love my Johnny Jump-Up so much! I bounce and bounce and bounce, it's the first thing I want to do in the morning and I'm so happy in it all the time. This week I've played so hard I've given myself a blister on my big toe. Check me out; aren't I pitiful?!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trying to Roll Over

I'm dangerously close to rolling over from my back to my belly. (I've already mastered rolling from my belly to my back.) As I practice, I spend a lot of time like this:

Visit from Auntie Amy

This weekend, Auntie Amy visited me. (We decided we're going to call her Auntie Amy.) We had so much fun singing B-I-N-G-O and Old MacDonald. Can you believe she knows all the same songs that Mom and Dad do? We took a short walk; she fed me my dinner on Friday night; and we snuggled a lot on Saturday morning. Can't wait to see her again soon! Denver's really far away...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Seven Months Old

I turned seven months old yesterday! Mom put my picture on Facebook, and everybody said it looked like I had alfalfa hair because of the way the blankets were positioned. What do you think? I guess it's okay to look funny - it wouldn't be the first time! I'll keep smiling anyway!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Riding the Metro to the Zoo

Keyla does  all kinds of fun things with me and Miguel. Today she took us to the zoo. It was my first time there and my first time on the metro. We had a great day even though many of the animals were inside their houses. It was nice to be outside on a warm sunny day, and to see all the other kids at the zoo. I imagine will be back here a lot this summer!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Stealing Grandaddy's Chair

I had a lot of fun in Louisiana this weekend. I especially liked sitting in Grandaddy's spot on the couch and playing with the remote. I think he liked it too because he let me have it. Granddaddy's house is fun! Can't wait to come back next time and go fishing!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

First Visit to Louisiana

This weekend, I went to Louisiana for the first time. I stayed at Granddaddy's house and we fished; we didn't get to go on the boat because the weather was bad. But I flew on an airplane again, I went to my third crawfish boil and I met so many family members and friends - Aunt Nancy and Uncle Doug; Natalie, Kurt, Karlie, Katelyn and Lauren; Mr. Bill and Miss Sandy; Tracy, Eli and Ezra; Mr. Ray and Miss Judy; Mr. Marty and Miss Angie, who are going to Saudi Arabia with Granddaddy; and Koko and Mr. Joe. What a weekend! I can't wait to go back - the food was good, the weather was warm and everybody has LSU stuff, just like me!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Walk on the Wild Side

Here I am out for a walk with two of my best jungle friends: Sophie the giraffe and Mike the tiger. I'm so happy and smiley - like I am nearly all of the time (but not all of the time - see the earlier post re: my baptism). Anyway, do you notice what jungle animal is missing? That's right, zebra. Fail, Mom and Dad. Fail.