Sunday, June 30, 2013


Mom and Dad found a new fun activity on Saturday mornings. The swings! I have so much fun swinging like a big boy. Look at my big smiles!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

New Toy

This is called an exer-saucer. My buddy Noah loaned it to me. I like the jungle theme, the bright colors and all the musical buttons. But no zebra? Come on!! Just kidding... It's pretty cool! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

"A Good Dad"

People often ask Mom if Dad is "a good dad." I don't know what that means but my dad goes to all of my doctors appointments, he's home for bath and bedtime every night, he sings silly songs with me, and he's always gotten up with me in the night. Here we are at the doctors' office last week (my first cold). I don't think I've got "a good dad." I've got a great one!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In the Cockpit

This is what I do while Mom and Dad get ready in the morning. They sit me up on the bed and put pillows all around me. They put some toys within reach and I go to town talking, laughing and squealing. They say that I look like I'm in the cockpit of a fighter jet, or sitting at Command Central! What do you think?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

8 Months Old on Father's Day

I turned 8 months old today - it's also mine and Dad's first Father's Day! We had a fun morning sleeping in (yay!), opening gifts and playing. I got Dad a tie, what else?! I also got him some dress shirts ... and some smiles. On the agenda today: lunch, a walk and the U.S. Open on TV. Sounds like a great Sunday!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I Love an Audience

Mom and Dad always knew I was a ham. I love an audience, and I always put on a show. Here is actual proof! I'm reading to my animals. Don't they look rapt with attention?!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Spending the Morning with Dad

This morning Keyla had to go to an event at her daughter Angela's school. That meant Dad stayed home with me. We had so much fun. We went for walks, we took a few naps, we had some laughs and generally just enjoyed some guy time. Here I am hanging out in the living room with some of my favorite toys. Mornings with Dad are really fun!

Friday, June 7, 2013

My Future's So Bright...

...I have to wear shades! Check me out! Miguel has cool sunglasses so I had to get some too. Here I am trying them out (on a rainy day inside). They complement my rock n roll onesie (thanks, Auntie Amy) and my semi-Mohawk hairdo. What do you think?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Storytime at the Library

When we're not taking walks, going to the zoo, visiting the playground or splashing in the pool, Miguel and I like to go to storytime at the library. This is where we learn all kinds of fun songs and games and where we find new, silly books to read. (Nana and Papa: This is where we learned the "Tony Chestnut" song!) Here we are listening intently at this week's session. Keyla does so many fun things with us, doesn't she?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Visit with Aunt Louise

Mom and Dad took me to Connecticut this weekend. (More pics to come!) While we were there, I spent some time visiting Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Louise, too. Mom took these pictures with her phone at Aunt Louise's house. Mom told me that when she joined the family a long time ago, she learned quickly that it was smart to make friends with the cookie maker. Aunt Louise is "the cookie maker." Here I am putting in my order - ha!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What's Up?

Miguel and I are some pretty cool customers, right?

Sitting Up

Guess what I can do! I can sit up! It's like a whole new world. I find new toys interesting, I think things are funnier. And I get frustrated when I get too tired to sit up by myself, or when I'm laying down and would prefer to be upright! I Up next on my agenda: crawling!