Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tough Day at the Office!

Since it is Halloween, I went to visit Mom at work.  Wow was that tough!  Here I am before and after - I was ready for a snack after all this was over!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

Hello everyone, can you believe I turn one on Wednesday??!!!  This weekend Mom and Dad had a party for me to celebrate.  I had lots of family and friends there including my BCJ (Big Cousin John).  I had such a good time, I was all smiles and was LOVING the attention.  The best part was when Mom and Dad let me have this thing called cake and sugar.  I can't believe how good it tasted!  To tell you the truth, I am a little mad at them for holding out until now.  I will be sure to get them back some day.

Thanks Uncle AJ!

Uncle AJ sent me a fantastic hat for my birthday.  Naturally, it is a Tiger cap and I love it!  Here I am watching the Tigers beat Florida on Saturday.  While the Tigers pulled out a victory, it was close for a while.  Like Mom, I am a very passionate fan.  Look out Dad.

Crawling and Bouncy Houses

I had a pretty big day today.  I am starting to get a feel for this crawling thing (although I am still learning).  I also got my first visit with a bouncy house at the block party.  Mom and Dad were sure to keep me away from the big kids and safe, but despite the look on my face here, it sure was fun.  I can't wait for the next party!


Mom and Dad are always complaining about this Obama guy.  I never understood until today when my favorite park was closed!  Turns out that Fort Bayard Park is on Federal land and is closed to everyone (except the homeless looking guy on the bench) because of the shutdown.

While even Dad admitted that this one wasn't Obama's fault he does want the government back in business so I can play.  Get to work Congress!!! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Close ups

Here are few tight close ups.  One before dinner and one after, see if you can guess...

Play group!

Here I am at play group with my friend Sienna!  We are fast friends.

Rocking Horse!

Uncle AJ was nice enough to let me borrow his rocking horse.  I really love it, thanks Uncle AJ!

Trip to CT

Here are a few pix from my trip to CT.

Swim lessons

I love the water!  Dad and I had a great time swimming. I can't wait to go back.

Lunch with Miguel


Me and Miguel are having a snack. I get the big chair!