Sunday, November 24, 2013

Scooting Around

I am my own man. Some people call that "marching to the beat of you own drummer." Maybe... but I scoot. Check out the video Emily took while babysitting me last night (overnight!). Woo hoo!!

A New Skill

I love nesting cups inside each other. It keeps me entertained longer than just about anything. Check me out!

Goodbye, Johnny Jump Up

It's been a good run - four months to thirteen months - but I've outgrown my bouncer. I hit the 25-pound weight limit and so it's time to say goodbye. Here we are in our last few minutes together.


I'm becoming very independent. This makes meals challenging. Take a look...

Sick Baby

Remember Mom's business trip I told you about? I thought that would be a good time to get very, very sick. Apparently, I have allergies, which led to a bad cold, which made it hard to breathe. Dad took great care of me, and so did Keyla. Here I am looking pitiful, doing my breathing treatment and then looking better at the doctor's office for my follow-up appointment.

Like a Fox...

Like my outfit? I'm pretty sneaky, and pretty cute, so Mom and Dad thought a fox tee shirt suited me just fine. I agree!!

Helping Mom Pack

Mom took a business trip to Chicago this month. She didn't want to leave me - and I wondered why she's never shown me this super-cool zippered box toy. This thing is awesome!


Now that I'm semi-mobile (I scoot...), I'm pretty into just about everything I shouldn't be. Picture frames and the fireplace are my go-to targets. I made this mess in about 30 seconds...

At the Park with Miguel

Now that the shutdown is over, our park has reopened, officially. Not that it ever stopped us. Miguel and I won't be denied a fun afternoon on the swings!

Tearing it Up with Ben Platt

Here I am playing with my buddy, Ben. I'm finally big enough! With all the toys we have, the pantry is still the coolest place to play. Go figure...

Fine Dining

Here I am out for lunch with Mom and Dad on 14th Street.  Perusing the menu. Meh...

More from Halloween!

More pictures from Halloween! Better late than never... I didn't last long in my costume, plus it rained, so I helped Mom and Dad hand out candy.