Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A few favorites

Since we have done so much over the past few months, Dad has chosen a few of his favorite pictures to post.  They will span a large period of time, but I think you'll agree with him, I am pretty handsome!


Mom and Dad also took me on another airplane trip to Colorado!  We got to play with Aunt Meryl, Uncle Joey and Noah for a few days.  Wow was it pretty out there!  I really like the mountains and can't wait to go back.  Maybe when I get older I will learn how to ski.  I rode a gondola up the mountain, got my first kiss and even saw a moose!  I would have to say it was a pretty amazing vacation!

Visiting Louisiana

I also got to take an airplane ride to visit Granddaddy, Lola and Uncle AJ this summer!  What a fun time we had.  Aunt Jill, Uncle David, Aunt Amie, Miley and Zach were also there.  Granddaddy bought me a basketball hoop that I played with all week.  So much fun!!!!

The Beach and Playground!

We also took some trips this summer.   We went to the beach at Nana and Papa's house in June where Mom and Dad showed me what a horseshoe crab is.  What a very strange creature!  Mom is braver than I am to pick it up.  Wow!

We also spend a lot of time in the park.  I love riding the motorcycle.  In fact I like it so much, I can even say the word.  That is no small feat when you are as small as me!

Asleep at the Switch??!!

So Mom and Dad have been negligent in helping me keep up with my blog lately.  But in their defense, Mom started a new job, Dad got a promotion and I tend to take up pretty much all of their free time.  So, I am going to cut them some slack and I hope you will as well.

So, let me get you caught up on what's been happening.

First of all, I got glasses!  And bifocals at that.  I am generally pretty good about wearing them, but sometimes I get tired and they go bye-bye.

Here are a few pictures of the good and bad...


In the spring, we also had a visit from Nana and Papa.  We had such a nice time.  We went to see trucks and got to play.  What a fun time we had for a few days!

In case you haven't heard, I also really like cats or gatos as they are called in Spanish.  Here I am with my favorite gato, Macha.  She lives down the street and is VERY. patient with me.  VERY patient...

 More to follow in my next post!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Future Hoopster

Here I am showing off my skills.  While everyone else wants to be Lebron, Kobe or MJ, my idol is Charles Barkley.  We are a lot alike, we are a bit... portly, funny and always talking.  Yup, my game is going to emulate the Round Mound of Sound!

Daddy's Home!

I am so happy to see Daddy!  Daddy went to visit Baby Cousin Ryan and Big Cousin John this weekend.  Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling well enough to fly and I had to stay home.  But when Daddy got back I let out big cheer!  Please don't leave me again Daddy!