Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The First Post

Davidson James Alagno is 5 weeks and 1 day old today! Dave and I have had to learn a lot these last several weeks, and the latest thing we're learning is how to blog. We created this site to update friends and family as to the latest news in our lives as it relates to this little man we love more than we ever imagined.  Communicating this way is more private than FaceBook (does my high school trig classmate need to know what's going on with us?), and it's easier than SnapFish - which is great for sharing pictures but bad for sharing information.

So, with that said... Here goes. We promise to post often. Right now, our EIGHT pound FIVE ounce little guy is looking forward to his first Thanksgiving... and to packing on some more weight before his next doctor's visit on December 19! 

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