Thursday, January 31, 2013

Comare (Gumar) Zebra

Davidson has a new love in his life.

Here's the back story: His bouncy chair has a zebra toy on it that he absolutely loves. He can be fussing and crying, but we put him in his chair and he gets one look at the zebra and all is right with the world. He loves her. We've started referring to "Zebra" as his girlfriend.

This week, we bought him an activity mat - one of those things that lets babies lie on the floor and look at toys and rings dangling above their heads. Of course, I chose a zebra-themed one. Well, he loves this toy too. Maybe more than the original Zebra...

Here he is cooing at the new Zebra. Or, as Dave's referred to her, his "gumar." See, in loosely translated Italian (mixed with some Sopranos/Italian-American via New Jersey lingo) a "comare" is a friend and "goomah" is gossip... So, a mistress is called a gumar. I guess Davidson's stepping out on his lady friend... what a player!!

My New Buddy Miguel

My nanny Keyla started this week. I love her. I also love that she brings her son, Miguel, to our house every day. Miguel will be one year-old next month and he'll be doing all sorts of things - like walking and playing and cutting up - that I'll want to do too. It'll be good for me to have an older, wiser playmate around. Here we are taking our first walk together. We stopped off at CVS  for a quick errand and Mom snapped this picture. Aren't we cute?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Connecticut & The Three DJAs

Last weekend I made my first trip to Connecticut. Among the highlights: I slept through the night on Friday night and slept for 9 hours on Saturday night (7:30 - 4 a.m.); I got to meet lots of family on Nana's side; I got to meet Aunt Louise and my Great-Grandparents on the Alagno side; and we had a party for cousin John, Nico, Aunt Helen and Nana's birthdays - all in January. But the best part was gathering the three DJA's together for a photo shoot! Check us out below, along with some other pics from the weekend. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Mom loves to take close-up pictures but worries about the flash in my face. As a result, she gets a lot of profile shots or ones where I look surprised. See below... She still thinks they're cute - and that they show off my big eyes and long eyelashes. What do you think?

Three Months Old!

Can you believe it?! Me either...

Learning to Love Tummy Time

Tummy time is still not one of my favorite things to do. But, the doctor says I have to. So Mom and Dad are complying. Here I am not hating it - for, probably, the first time ever. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

More Stupid Hats

Seriously, parents. Give it a rest. I. Don't. Like. Stupid. Hats. I'm not here to amuse you... Ugh.

Riding High

Look who rides upright in the stroller now... Big day, big day. I like this so much better than the bassinet-insert. I HATE lying flat on my back. Hate it... This is way better.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Baby Yoga

Today Mom took me to a baby-and-mom yoga class. There were five other babies there with their moms. I was right in the middle, age-wise. Two girls younger than me and three boys older than me - but all of us boys were born in October. Neat, right? Here I am sleeping during class... Guess I've got the hang of the relaxing part of yoga! Ommmm....

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Another Fun New Activity

Now that I've mastered the bouncy chair, and grown a little tired of it frankly, Mom and Dad had to find another activity for me. Here I am on the floor gazing at some kid in the mirror. He's cute...

Hail to the Redskins!

After many years of forgettable games, Dad gave up his Redskins season tickets. So, of course, this year the Skins are in the playoffs. Here I am in Redskins attire.  HTTR!! (That's "Hail to the Redskins," for the uninitiated...)

I Got Lots of Clothes for Christmas...

I got a lot of clothes for Christmas. Here are a few pics of me in an outfit Mom gave me. Dad gave me an eerily similar outfit (size 12 months) that I'll have to model later. Parents: Next year let's do less clothes, more toys. Deal?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fire Truck PJs

Thanks for my fire truck PJ's Auntie Kay! I love them!! (And mom does too... she took lots of pictures of me in them.)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Video!

Here I am playing with Dad, singing Tiger fight songs before the Chick Fil A bowl. The Tigers didn't fare so well... There probably weren't smiles like this in the locker room afterward.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sleeping Through the Night

This is me on January 1, 2013. In addition to being New Year's Day, today is also the day after I slept through the night. I slept from 9:30 to 5:30 and then again until 8:00. Mom and Dad are thrilled!! I look less than amused...