Thursday, January 31, 2013

Comare (Gumar) Zebra

Davidson has a new love in his life.

Here's the back story: His bouncy chair has a zebra toy on it that he absolutely loves. He can be fussing and crying, but we put him in his chair and he gets one look at the zebra and all is right with the world. He loves her. We've started referring to "Zebra" as his girlfriend.

This week, we bought him an activity mat - one of those things that lets babies lie on the floor and look at toys and rings dangling above their heads. Of course, I chose a zebra-themed one. Well, he loves this toy too. Maybe more than the original Zebra...

Here he is cooing at the new Zebra. Or, as Dave's referred to her, his "gumar." See, in loosely translated Italian (mixed with some Sopranos/Italian-American via New Jersey lingo) a "comare" is a friend and "goomah" is gossip... So, a mistress is called a gumar. I guess Davidson's stepping out on his lady friend... what a player!!

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