Monday, April 29, 2013

Loving on Aunt Diane

Here I am loving on my Godmother, Aunt Diane. She came to visit me this weekend, and we had three days of fun before Mom snapped these pics of us saying goodbye. Maybe if I'm lucky Mom and Dad will take me to Massachusetts to see her, Uncle Jeff and John someday! 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Baptism

This weekend, I was baptized at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C. There were four other babies being baptized too, but everyone in the church is going to remember me. Why? Because I screamed the entire time. I've never cried so long or so hard in my whole, six-month-long life!
It was very hot in the church, and I hate being I let everyone know. They baptized all the babies in alphabetical order, so I went first. Mom and Dad thought that was great since they could make a quick exit from the church and cool me off... but, no. Going first meant we got to stand on the altar while all the other babies got baptized - which meant the whole church got to watch me scream while Mom and Dad, and my Godparents Aunt Diane and Uncle Jeff, tried everything to make it stop!
There was some humor in the day - Mr. Joey suggested that maybe I'm Jewish - ha! Maybe...

Kissing Cousins

...not like that. This weekend, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Diane and John came to visit me from Massachusetts. Here's John and me showing some cousin love. So sweet!


Before Mom and Dad knew what I'd be named, they knew I'd be a "DJA," sharing my initials with Dad and Great Grandpa Alagno. Mom bought this outfit soon after she and Dad decided I'd be a DJA. She's so glad it's warm enough and I'm big enough to wear it now!

Big Smiles!

 This is Mom and Dad's favorite smile of mine - a big no-teeth, mouth-wide-open grin!


This week I started eating baby food. Carrots were first on the menu. I like them a lot and I'll eat them warm or cold. Let's just hope I like other vegetables this much!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More Laughing

Here's more video footage of my laugh. Mom and Dad say they never get tired of it. Apparently I'm ticklish and that makes me laugh. It's not nice to say, but farting also makes me laugh too. Go figure - what a boy!

Rolling Over!

Here I am rolling over from my belly to my back. I learned how to do this a while ago, but now I do it pretty reliably. This makes tummy time I challenge for Mom and Dad. They put me on my belly and I roll right to my back. Ha ha ha!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Just Because

There's no real story to go with this picture. Mom just liked it, and I'm wearing my favorite puffin shirt! Just a lazy afternoon in the spring...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Six Month Check-Up

Today was my six-month check up. I weigh 17 pounds and 11 ounces. I'm 27 inches long and my head circumference is 18 inches. I'm in the 75th percentile for height and the 50th percentile for weight. My head circumference puts me in the 90th percentile – whoa. I got two shots, and here I am praying that the doctor would forget about them. She didn't...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I eat rice cereal or oatmeal twice per day now. I sit in the high-chair, I wear a bib and I bang the tray while I'm waiting for the food to arrive. I'm getting very good at eating from a spoon. I'm not so great at keeping the food off my face. Oh well!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Laughing with Dad

Mom and Dad think I have the best laugh. You'd laugh too if you could make the grown-ups in your life sing and dance and make funny faces all day!!

Blowing Raspberries

Guess what: I've learned how to blow raspberries. Check me out! I'm having a ton of fun!

Shorts Weather

It was 85° in Washington last week. That was a bit much, a bit too early, but I can't wait for summer! I even have a wardrobe for it. Here I am in shorts and sandals from Grammie. Those Floridians sure know how to dress for warmer weather, don't they?

Six Months Old!

I am six months old today! Half a year down, half a year to go. I now know how to blow raspberries, I'm almost sitting up, and I can roll over from my belly to my back! The next six months have much more fun in store! I hope Mom and Dad are ready for it!!

Davidson Does the Laundry

I'm a little young for chores, but I think I might start with laundry. Here I am getting acquainted with the laundry basket one morning this week. Dad was making the bed and didn't have a place to put me down. I guess this is what happens when Mom isn't  around and Dad needs to get creative. I don't mind though. This was fun!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dad's First Post-Baby Round of Golf

Last week Dad played golf for the first time since I was born. Here we are after he got home. He's telling me about his round. I believe about half of what he says. But I'm glad he got to play - and Mom is too! I can't wait for him to take me with him one day!

Partners in Crime

Sometimes Miguel I plan our adventures together. We play and are happy at the same time. We cry at the same time. We have dirty diapers at the same time. It makes Keyla crazy. But sometimes she outsmarts us. Yesterday we decided we didn't want to nap, so she took us for a walk. We didn't make it to the end of the block before we both fell asleep. Keyla's good. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

More Playing (and Panting)

Of all the toys I have, a plain old burp cloth is among my favorites. Here I am telling Mom how excited it makes me. Pretty funny....

Playing on the Floor

I'm trying very hard to roll over. I'm sooooo close! Here I am playing on the floor...and in my Johnny Jump Up... and on my tummy. I play a lot these days. It's fun for me and for Mom and Dad too.

My First Visit to KY

Over Easter Mom and Dad took me to Kentucky for the first time. I rode an airplane and then rode in the car for a few hours to get to Grandmother and Granddaddy Dill's house. Grammie came too! While we were there, I got to meet cousin Paula, Auntie Kaye and Uncle Ralph too. And, the Easter Bunny even found me there - I got clothes, a stuffed bunny and a stuffed chick. What a weekend!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Tummy Time Revisited

Mom and Dad found a way to get me to love tummy time. Me!!!! All it takes is a mirror and a good mood and we're off to the races. I see more of this in my future.